Sunday, 19 July 2009


Hello again!

Have been away to the holiday camp again. Not for long though just a couple of nights. My humans went for a few days holiday. He went to Lords to the cricket and she went to a health farm!

I do get a bit of arthritis and my legs get stiff when I'm sitting in a small space. So when I come back from my "stay" I am always rather stiff for a few days until I get moving again.

What a surprise when we got home...a brand new scratch pad, much bigger than my old one and it has an aerobic platform that moves about when I bash the mouse. Gives me a good workout I can tell you. The scratch pad is great as it's so strong it doesn't fall over like my other one.

I love it when they come back as they make such a big fuss of me. Seems next time they go away I am having cat sitters so that I don't have to leave home! THAT should be interesting..more humans to manipulate! They are my human's sister and her husband and they just LOVE cats! Can't wait!

I am really enjoying this!

Will have to take a rest after this lot!

Time to go. Take care and watch out for those cars!

MOG xx

Tuesday, 30 June 2009


Not too sure about this hot weather. The humans love it but with a thick fur coat it's no joke. Have been sleeping a lot and not eating much so the female human is sure I'm ill! She decided I must have got a toothache...I ask you! So it was going to be the vet for me in the morning. Didn't like the sound of that at all.

The humans had a deliciously smelling leg of lamb for their supper last night.They very kindly gave me this huge bone to have a chew at as there was quite a lot of meat left.

Not only did I enjoy it in the cool of the evening but then I took the bone upstairs to my female human, I knew she'd love it! It was a bit of a job to get upstairs (I am 76 in cat years you know) She tripped over it when she went to the bathroom in the morning. They did laugh and laugh, doesn't take a lot to make them happy. Then my female decided that if I could chew a bone and carry the huge thing up the stairs; then there was nothing wrong with my teeth! Phew! No vet then.

Update on Squeaks: He is getting over his snake bite very nicely. He had a nasty shock as there was a huge fire near his house. His humans were ready to get out and lose everything they owned but fortunately the fire was controlled and they are just a bit sooty now. Phew!

Stay safe and take care.
Love Mog xx

Wednesday, 24 June 2009


Hello at last!
Oh dear what a human got in a real state as she forgot how to get in to my page so that I could write my BLOG. We tried all sorts of names and numbers and emails, you name it ...we tried it. ANYWAY! she found it! Here we are and I am so behind with my news.

I've been to the holiday camp again. Humans went off to see Elton John so I got banged up! It wasn't too bad. The girls treat me very well and even remember what I like to eat. They also help to clean my eye for me which is very kind. I pretended I didn't want to go home when the human came to get should have seen her face...I am naughty!

I took a liking to this lovely little cardboard house, with silk cushion of course.

My humans decided that a cardboard box was not quite the thing and so they sent away for this one:

As you can see I took to it like a noise and fits me like a glove.

I've been banned from the sitting room "unless under supervision" this means I can sit with the humans when they watch TV but the door gets shut on me when they are not there. I have a feeling it's because I like to play "trains" running backwards and forwards along the edge of the sofa. Have to admit it's looking a bit straggly. Well you have to keep the claws sharp don't you?

My poor friend Squeaks in Cyprus has been bitten by a snake. He is very poorly. I will let you know how he gets on. "Get well soon Squeaks"

Bye for now. We've written the passwords etc. down now so hope I will be writing again soon.

Take care, and look out for those cars, and in Squeaks case, those snakes!

Love from MOGxx

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Hello! Just had to tell you about discovering crackly paper! My human got this new dress and it was wrapped in crackly paper and I love it! You have just got to try it!

Love MOG xx

Monday, 27 April 2009

Just had to show you this. Came from my friend "Squeaks" human in Cyprus.

Don't you really love it!

Love from

MOG xx
Oh dear! It's been such a long time since I pawed in my blog. I have been so busy you know.
I had a bit of an adventure in a cattery. Very smart place with central heating and all the comforts. Took my own bed and my favourite toys and could chose whatever I wanted to eat!

I had a bit of trouble trying to climb to the second floor of my room as my old legs aren't as good as they used to be but the people there sorted me out. I had my ears seen to (sometimes they are a nuisance and itch!) and the ladies there were amazed that I didn't struggle and didn't need two people to hold me. My human was very unhappy to leave me but I was just fine. I was pleased to see her when she got back and she was surprised I didn't sulk! Life's too short for sulking.
I am allowed out in the garden now when the sun is shining. It's a very pretty garden with lots of interesting things to sniff at. First time out I managed to find an escape route. My human went ballistic! Don't know what all the fuss was about as that's what cats do. No harm done though as she always comes out with me and she has closed the hole up now. I didn't really want to get out I was just being a normal curious cat. Wow did she give me a lecture!

I have found a wonderful hole which smells of mice! I sit for hours looking at this hole and one day I will catch a mouse and when I do I will give it to my human and she will love it. She has given me some pretend mice to play with which are very nice and she gets so happy when I take them up to her (making "I've got a mouse" noises) and put them by her bed every morning. Just imagine how happy she will be one day when I present her with a real mouse! She'll love it!
I did try it with a centipede one day but she wasn't too keen on that.

Here are just a few photos of me with my "mouse" and another of me sunbathing!

Bye for now and take care of yourselves.

Love from MOG xxx

Sunday, 29 March 2009

It's been ages since I last wrote on my blog. I hope everyone is well. I am just fine and very happy. I thought you might like to see my sleeping arrangements nowadays? I am very fond of cushions and my female has bought me a lot of them so that I can be comfortable all over the house. I am particularly fond of little round ones, especially if they are of a comfortable consistency!

This is my latest little round job. It's a very nice quality leather and is most comfortable when placed just in front of the fire.
This one is in my female's study. I like to be with her during the day and this is just the thing.

This is my absolute favourite and I spend a great deal of my day here on my lovely silk cushion from the charity shop!
That's about it for now. I hope you are all as happy as I am. Take care on the roads. remember cats and cars don't mix!
Love MOGxx

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

This is my bed by the window. It's nice watching the boats go by.

Love MOG xx

Monday, 9 March 2009

Thought you might like to know what those cat friends of mine were saying???

Love MOG xx

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Cats Talking

Thought you might like to see a couple of my friends having a chat? My human says she thinks they are so sweet. Just normal really as I do it all the time!

It's been ages since I last wrote my blog. I haven't been busy I've just been enjoying my new home. I have settled down very nicely and really feel one of the family....the main one!

I have various places to sleep. I have a nice cushion on the back of the armchair for during the day, I can see everything from there. If it's very sunny I have a special bed upstairs so that I can look out of the window and watch the boats go by...and the birds! Then in the evening I have my blanket next to my female human and she tickles me when I snuggle up to her. Then when the fire is lit I discovered there is a very warm patch just in front of it so I sit there. Then back upstairs when the humans go to bed..a few treats and then we all go to sleep.

My FH took me outside the other day when it was sunny. She thought I would enjoy a little stroll in the garden. I was so frightened that I shook like a jelly and so we gave that idea up. Perhaps I will be ready for that in the future, but not just yet.
She makes me exercise though. I have to chase my toy round and round until I'm dizzy because she says I will get fat because I sit about a lot...hmmmm! She's grown me a nice pot of organic grass which I like to have a chew at. Seems that it's good for my tummy.

Well nothing exciting to tell you. Look after yourselves and be safe.

Love MOG xx

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Lots of tears again yesterday. A lady came to the door with her three children asking if my human had seen her cat. My human had to tell her the very sad news and everyone started crying. Seems the cat was called Bella and she was 8 years old. She was a very much loved cat and had been living in the area since last May. The family came back again later with a picture of the cat, she was very pretty, just to make sure it was her who had been killed. We had kept her flea collar but as the lady said "anyone could buy one of those". She had been chipped but as she had been taken away by the environmental health people it seems they don't check for chips. My human got very cross about this (she does when something really upsets her) and phoned the department asking why, when people go to the trouble of having a cat chipped, does it get totally disregarded when it is most needed? The message was going to be "passed on" I can see my human getting to the bottom of this, she wont let up!
Later on the family came back with a big bunch of flowers (lump in my throat now) and a lovely card, it said "Thank you so much for looking after our beautiful cat Bella. It meant so much that she was being cared for in her last moments." Lots more tears were shed. I hope we can keep in touch with that lovely young family. I hope they get a new cat soon but my human told them they should have an indoor cat like me as they live in a dangerous area. More cats are killed on the roads than any other way. All my friends out there please take care if you are outdoor cats.
Remember "cats and cars don't mix...the car always wins".
Take care and be safe.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Hello again. Couldn't write anything yesterday as it was a very sad time.
My human answered a knock at the door and a young man asked if she had a cat. She said "yes" and he told her it had been hit by a car! Well she knew that wasn't possible as I am an indoor cat, and when she looked it was a black and white cat she had seen crossing the busy road many times. Poor thing was in a bad way. She took it in and both my humans tried to do the best they could; even phoned the RSPCA but it was too late. Poor thing had run out of it's 9 lives. My human said the only good thing was that it didn't die alone and it was with caring people at the very end. This poor cat's humans don't know what has happened yet but my human has left a phone number with the RSPCA so perhaps they will phone us. One good thing about being an indoor cat is that this will never happen to me. Seems hundreds of us get killed on the roads every year because of our lack of road sense. Cats were before cars but cars are stronger than us. Take care and watch out on the roads.
MOG xx

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Hello again!

I'm sooooo excited. I have got my first follower! Feline Care; it's where I came from and there is a picture of a very handsome tabby. I think I remember him but I'm not sure. Thanks for the blog chum!

I would have had two followers. The other one is called Squeaks and she lives in Cyprus. Her human got in a bit of a muddle and the whole thing came out in Greek and then got lost in the Ether (that's what you say when you get the hang of this computer stuff). Seems natural to me as she's a Greek/Cyprus cat. We cats speak all of the languages of course, not so much vocal as "body". My human says that when she goes to Cyprus she always visits the Malcolm Cat Protection Society over there. The place is FULL of cats and there are loads of lovely people looking after them. Once upon a time it seems Cyprus was a very sad place for cats but it's not so bad now people are starting to look after them and respect them. My human always wanted to bring one back but she's got me now so she's happy.

This is Squeaks, She's a very beautiful cat isn't she. You have to admit there are certain similarities???

I forgot to introduce you to my humans, I'm not totally sure of their names but I think the female is either "Missus" or "Pauline" and the male is " Martin..Martin...Martin" or "oh I give up."

Have been surfing the net to day and come up with one seriously clever kitty cat.Just take a look at this:

Well that's it my friends, another happy day over. I hope yours was as happy as mine has been. Speak to you again soon.
Love MOG xx

Monday, 16 February 2009

Hello I'm Mog!

I am a rescue cat. I am a very young 14 year old and came from the Feline Rescue centre in East Harling in Norfolk, UK.

I have been with my new humans for a week now and I am settling down very well.

I don't like to talk about my past life, I'd rather look forward to the new one.

It's very nice at my new place and I want for nothing. My humans spoil me all the time and I love it. I have to be an indoor cat as they live near a very busy road which was why I was chosen to be able to stay with them. Being 14 and being used to living indoors, the rescue centre realised I would be happy as an indoor cat. I have to admit I do sleep a lot and in this cold weather the thought of going outside is rather frightening. My humans did try to take me out for a little stroll but it was FREEZING and I couldn't wait to get back in. They tell me they will let me go out again when it's warmer and they can sit with me.

I caused rather a bother on my second night here. Unfortunately my humans went out and put the burglar alarm on out of habit. Of course I got up and had a wander about and suddenly this very loud bell started to ring and it was rather noisy. Eventually a very nice lady let herself in and turned the nasty bell off. It was nice to see her and I had a lovely few minutes being tickled and made a fuss of. She said she was jealous of my humans and would like a cat herself but she also lives on a busy road. Perhaps I can get get her interested in one of my older mates back at the recue centre?

I spend some of the day in my boudoir upstairs. My humans have made me a very comfortable bed up there where I can watch the boats go by and all sorts of other things going on. It's never boring when you live by a river.

Today I was introduced to "Cat Nip" WELL! What a treat...made me feel like a kitten again. My human said she wished it did the same for her but she couldn't even smell it (they don't have a very good sense of smell you know; humans.) I was rushing about like a "cracker cat" for quite some time. Even got the hang of the wooden pole thing with rope on it. Seems it's to sharpen your claws on and they got all excited when I actually used it. It's got a red ball on a string attached and I gave that a good few whacks I can tell you. The humans were in hysterics. I like it when they are pleased because they give me some nice little "treats" which are really tasty.

Nearly time for bed. I go to bed at the same time as the humans. She carries me upstairs and puts a couple of treats in my bed and strokes me to settle me down. Often I get up a wander off somewhere else but she doesn't seem to mind too much. We cats are like that and she says that's what she loves about us so that means we are all happy doesn't it?

One whole week gone and it seems I have lived here for ever. I've got the humans running round me just as I want them. The food's good and the accommodation is very comfortable. I'm sure I'm going to be very happy here.

Night night for now....MOG xx