Sunday 19 July 2009


Hello again!

Have been away to the holiday camp again. Not for long though just a couple of nights. My humans went for a few days holiday. He went to Lords to the cricket and she went to a health farm!

I do get a bit of arthritis and my legs get stiff when I'm sitting in a small space. So when I come back from my "stay" I am always rather stiff for a few days until I get moving again.

What a surprise when we got home...a brand new scratch pad, much bigger than my old one and it has an aerobic platform that moves about when I bash the mouse. Gives me a good workout I can tell you. The scratch pad is great as it's so strong it doesn't fall over like my other one.

I love it when they come back as they make such a big fuss of me. Seems next time they go away I am having cat sitters so that I don't have to leave home! THAT should be interesting..more humans to manipulate! They are my human's sister and her husband and they just LOVE cats! Can't wait!

I am really enjoying this!

Will have to take a rest after this lot!

Time to go. Take care and watch out for those cars!

MOG xx

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