Sunday, 29 March 2009

It's been ages since I last wrote on my blog. I hope everyone is well. I am just fine and very happy. I thought you might like to see my sleeping arrangements nowadays? I am very fond of cushions and my female has bought me a lot of them so that I can be comfortable all over the house. I am particularly fond of little round ones, especially if they are of a comfortable consistency!

This is my latest little round job. It's a very nice quality leather and is most comfortable when placed just in front of the fire.
This one is in my female's study. I like to be with her during the day and this is just the thing.

This is my absolute favourite and I spend a great deal of my day here on my lovely silk cushion from the charity shop!
That's about it for now. I hope you are all as happy as I am. Take care on the roads. remember cats and cars don't mix!
Love MOGxx

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

This is my bed by the window. It's nice watching the boats go by.

Love MOG xx

Monday, 9 March 2009

Thought you might like to know what those cat friends of mine were saying???

Love MOG xx

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Cats Talking

Thought you might like to see a couple of my friends having a chat? My human says she thinks they are so sweet. Just normal really as I do it all the time!

It's been ages since I last wrote my blog. I haven't been busy I've just been enjoying my new home. I have settled down very nicely and really feel one of the family....the main one!

I have various places to sleep. I have a nice cushion on the back of the armchair for during the day, I can see everything from there. If it's very sunny I have a special bed upstairs so that I can look out of the window and watch the boats go by...and the birds! Then in the evening I have my blanket next to my female human and she tickles me when I snuggle up to her. Then when the fire is lit I discovered there is a very warm patch just in front of it so I sit there. Then back upstairs when the humans go to bed..a few treats and then we all go to sleep.

My FH took me outside the other day when it was sunny. She thought I would enjoy a little stroll in the garden. I was so frightened that I shook like a jelly and so we gave that idea up. Perhaps I will be ready for that in the future, but not just yet.
She makes me exercise though. I have to chase my toy round and round until I'm dizzy because she says I will get fat because I sit about a lot...hmmmm! She's grown me a nice pot of organic grass which I like to have a chew at. Seems that it's good for my tummy.

Well nothing exciting to tell you. Look after yourselves and be safe.

Love MOG xx